Shark PS380 Wet/Dry Power Scooper
billabong this is the greatest machine when you learn how use it . i have a cat with intestinal health problems that very often misses the litter box.this machine will pickup pudding with only problem is getting replacement bags to termination of the manufacturing of the machine. i now have to buy replacement bags not made for it and rewind bags on empty reels for the shark scooper.
Junk! Don't waste your money This thing is pure junk. I should have figured that out by the $4.00 I paid. Do yourself a favor and buy a bag of chips and a soda you'll be better off.
Don't waste your money! Wow please please please let me help you save your money.This was given to me as a gift and I threw it away the next day. I sat there looking at this odd device trying to figure how in the heck this should make my life easier.or cleanerit doesn't.So instead of grabbing a mess with a plastic bag or paper towel and being done with use this. Let me tell you how this goesYou pull a bag out too far and then wrap it around the end slide it under the pile of poop and press the magic button. Now you have just gone from one isolated pile of kitty's last night dinner to a smeared mess all over the floor the outside of the bag and all over the 'grabber'.When you first see this thing in action you will laugh pretty hard at what an utter failure of a device and idea this item is.
Easy cleanup   | 6 of 7 people found the following review helpful 1.0 out of 5 stars Don't bother This product is a piece of crap. It didn't pick up much and it's too much of a hasstle to pull out everytime you want to clean up a mess.
Even at $5 bad deal I saw this thing and thought to myself $5? Sure I'll gamble that on something that might make scooping easier. I lost that bet.And I have NOT even tested this thing. Because just from looking at it I know it will only make the mess worse instead of better. All this will do is smear a mess around maybe pull in a little bit of it but them probably splurt that little bit back out like toothpaste sqeezing out of a tube.
Works OK but not very useful I bought this to use it as a pooper scooper for my dog. It takes a bit to manipulate it to work as directed but is just not worth the hassle of setting it up and carrying it around.
probably fine for the squeamish Just a few days ago on the day I bought mine I spotted only one user review for this item and it was very very negative. And then as I was frist editing mine I saw only one that's very positive. That seems to be because there are two separate listings the other showing the trademark name Grab 'n Bagtm Powered Scooper Amazon really should combine these.I have to say this product is NOT for me. But I believe there are people who might get a lot out of it. I spotted it remaindered at the the store named after a day of the week. The price I paid was less than the Amazon price for the XSB380 refill bags. And my nearby TM store had those cheap too. I do live in a household with pets so I gave it a workout in just a couple of days. It does what it promises. But in no way does it do a better job than the human hand. Turn any bag insideout over your hand and pick up a mess many dog owners are very familiar with that drill. Unless you're outdoors where no one cares you still have to come back with a paper towel and clean the floor or other surface. This tool automates a process very much like that insideout bag. You still have to wipe and you still have to deal with closing and disposing of the bag.

Adjustable strap for easy carry or storage.Convenient way to pick up after all types of household messes.With a simple press of a button your worst messes are quickly deposited in a small bag.Includes extention accessory for large messes.Battery operated and lightweight. The Shark PS380 power scooper picks up all types of household messes! Safely picks up broken glass, and is perfect for pet messes and more. Large household messes can be easily picked up with the household extender attachment. Simply release the bag, press the button, and your mess will be devoured directly in the bag. The unit has a built in light for easy visibility, and features a compact design. The unit includes an attachable household extender, attachable carry strap, and 2 rolls of biodegradable bags.
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