Flowbee Haircutting System
buy the old model if they have one. Used to have the old model broken down after over 10 years. Recently model only last for a few month a replacement has the same problem.
Flowbee Haircutting System I got my Flowbee in 1994. I use it on and off for 34 years at a time. I stop because I need to order new blades. I never did and I would start using it again. I looked up on line to see about ordering new blades. It says the blades come with 4 springs also. I do not have springs with mine so I emailed them to see if the new blades would work on mine. It took them several days to answer yes. I emailed them back to make sure since because I did not have springs with mine. Again after several days they said all the units have springs. I emailed back told them mine is 18 yrs old and he might not have been with the company that long. After several days I was told to throw away the springs. I emailed back to see if I could get my money back if the blades do not fit. It has been 3 weeks and I have not heard from them. They don't have the best customer service.
Great product! 20 year review I bought my Flowbee over 20 years ago and that baby is still cutting. I just used it and my hair looks like I came from the salon. I use it on my sweetie's hair too and he's always amazed how good it looks. I'm in my 60's and an entertainer so my hair is very important! It has never failed. I use it about one time in 3 months. I do have to look at the back in the mirror as I wear it short and want to make sure it looks good coming AND going. I fixed the little rubber connector with duct tape today but plan to order a new one as I can't be without the Flowbee. It still works great after all these years my kids laugh at me and my grandchildren think I'm from outer space but just think of the money I've saved. OK kids keep laughing.
well worth it I bought the flowbee from flowbee itself not amazon. But I have to say I love it. I have a little problem with the back of my hair still haven't got the hang of that yet. But my sides and top look great. Next month it will be a year since I went out for a haircut.
Flowbee 20 years and still cutting! I purchased my first and only Flowbee over 20 years ago. During this time only 2 parts have cracked the slotted angle and straight guides. The spacers are in the same condition as when purchased. With the Flowbee I have maintained a hairstyle that others have commented positively on and have gone to hairstylists to have the same stylepaying over $40 per haircut! I will at times use a thinning shears to create more of a modern appearance.I have paid various amounts for a professional haircut only to find the length of my hair longer on one side than the other no matter how expensive the cut was. I will ask for a trim in order to keep the same hairstyle by the original hairstylist only to have a version of the previous cut feeling like I did not get the value that was expected.With Flowbee I feel I am able to keep the same style same ideal length by using recording the spacers used. If there is a bad hair day because of my error not the flowbee it is not as upsettingI'm not out any money and I've learned a lesson for the next cut!Proper maintenance and storage is the key to many years of use.
This price TOO HIGH You can get the Flowbee system alone direct from flowbee.com for only $80 plus about $16 for shipping. I just bought the system WITH THEIR VACUUM I didn't want to use my good vacuum for this for just $130 WITH shipping.
Fantastic I love mine. I've had it for around 20 years. Still runs great.The main selling points for me are1 Very even all over. No hairs cut too long or too short.2 None of the millions of microhairs all over you like when a barber cuts your hair.3 Convenient. Cut your hair anytime you want.I got it when they were first being advertised on TV. The cost has come down quite a bit since then. It is not really a matter of saving money on haircuts as much as the 3 points listed above.It did not take much practice to get it just right. It is hard *not* to do a good job.
Flowbeeliever My girlfriend was very doubtful when I told her I purchased a Flowbee. The first word out of her mouth when I came out of the bedroom with my new haircut was WOW!After getting hacked haircuts for years I finally decided to take matters into my own hands. Best decision I've ever made on a haircut.
Where Do I Get The Super Mini Vac Fantastic product. Using it for 20 years.Several years ago I purchased the Flowbee Super Mini Vac the vacuum sold by Flowbee. Also great. I just went online to purchase another Flowbee Mini Vac and the Flowbee web site seems to not exist any more. I can't find any one else who sells it.Anyone know if or where the Flowbee Super Mini Vac can be purchased anymore?Any advice for which vacuum is good for the Flowbee as I've been using the one sold by Flowbee itself for the last 12 years but they don't seem to sell it anymore.

Vacuum not included.Great for The Entire Family.A Perfect Cut Every Time.Quickly attaches to Most Vacuums with Ease.Save Hundreds of Dollars in Haircuts. Flowbee Haircutting System Money-saver for the entire family... even works on pets! Over a million satisfied customers have used it for years. Provides a precise haircut every time. Flowbee System attaches to a vacuum cleaner (not included, needs to be 3 hp or 8 amps to pull hair through the cutting blades.) Can cut as short as 1/2", long as 6". Short layered, wedged, tapered and single-length cuts.
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