Don't waste your money, I bought this to suck up stink bugs....absolutely doesn't have enough power to do this. Barely works for anything else either....ended up buying the portable that vacuum sucks.
Horrible Vacuum Pressure/Speed, Bought this to suck up fruit flys, flys, spiders, etc... I find that even when I trap the bugs in a clear solo cup and cap the cup with the spout of the unit and turn it on, the bugs can fight/resist the power of the vacuum. Horrible item to buy for me as I should have adhered to the more 1 reviews than 5 and not buy it. Now, I just catch and release everything with the solo cup as its quicker to do. Also, I bought the tennis racket bug zapper, and that works great, but could leave dead insects everywhere, so you'll neeed to clean that up if indoors. Fun to use as well, that racket.
Best priced and most reliable bug vacuum, I did some research online and found that this Lentek rechargable bug vacuum is pretty much the standard as far as this type of product goes. The only negative comment I found in probably a dozen reviews of the vacuum is that the rechargable battery starts to lose its ability to hold a charge after 2 to 3 years, and the battery is not removable or replacable for the unit so you pretty much have to buy a new vacuum. Other than that, and we all know that rechargable batteries only last so long, everyone was happy with the products performance and said that the vacuum does everything the manufacurer claims that it does. Having determined that this was the vacuum to buy, I scoped prices on about 6 or 7 different sites. The only way I would have gotten a lower price than getting it through an Amazon seller was if I had won an auction for the vacuum on Ebay.
Great for Stink Bugs!, I bought one of these a few years ago, and I wouldn't part with it for anything! It is great for vacuuming up stink bugs. I have one for the downstairs and I am going to get one for the upstairs.
Disappointing lack of power, We bought this vacuum to handle the invasion of stinkbugs that occur in fall and spring - the warmer winter weather put the vacuum to the test. It functions perfectly well, but the suction is inadequate to grab the persistent bugs off ceilings, walls, etc. Also, the cap at the end does nothing to assist - unless the bug is caught low on a wall. All in all, a bit of a disappointment.
Very Disappointed with the Lentek BV01 Bug Vacuum, I am very disappointed in this item...there is not enough suction to get the insect of any kind, thru the shield and up thru the tube..
I tried several different times and several different insects.. I am sorry I spent the money to buy this item. It is just sitting in the corner plugged in. The green light is on . I try it again every once in a while but I get the same disapointing results. I didn't return it because I don't have the box to put it in, and don't want to spend the money to but the materials needed to package it up and the postage fee to Lentek BV01 Rechargeable Cordless Handheld Bug Vacuummail it back.
Bug Getter., This product makes it easy to dispose of household pests from a safe distance. The only problem I have with this product is that the suction seems under powered. This makes it less effective than expected.
Not happy with this bug zapper, I was very disappointed with this. The charge didn't last long. The suction generally worked, but the bugs often didn't die. The trap door also didn't stay closed. If you want a device that works 75% of the time, I recommend this.
I'm the second generation of users in my family, I normally don't write reviews but felt this was necessary because this is one of the best gadgets/household appliances on earth!!! My Aunt, rest in peace, had one of these for 10 years or so. When she passed, I inherited hers. The battery gave out within a year of her passing...coincidence? I live on a large wooded property and would'nt go without mess or cleaning walls or step stools. The zapping of the big juicy critters is a bonus, although sometimes smelly. Oh, and my wife loves it even more than I do.
bug vac,

Charging stand with LED charge indicator.High voltage grid built into the base kills bugs safely.Nozzle extends to reach insects in high corners & high ceiling homes..Safety interlock disables grid voltage on the BV01 when wand is removed for insect disposal..Bug vacuum, made for bug control a cordless vacuum that has been designed to remove insects cleanly and efficiently.. No more chasing bugs around your home. Bug Vacuum creates a stylish, high-powered suction that captures unwanted pests. A trap door feature securely traps captures pest, insects within the nozzle and prevents them from flying back out. It is a safe, efficient and non-toxic alternative to costly, toxic bug sprays in your home. The Bug Vacuum is an easy, efficient and non-toxic way to control bugs, insects and other pests that fly or crawl. Bug vacuum, made for bug control a cordless vacuum that has been designed to remove insects cleanly and efficiently. The high-powered vacuum assembly is strong enough to pick up any type of insect. The Bug Vacuum is a rechargeable hand-held vacuum unit. The Bug Vacuum is perfect for catching spiders or any other insect, pest etc. The flexible rubber tip makes it easy to use in corners as well as anywhere else. The Bug Vacuum is a must have for all homes or offices. A built in safety mechanism in the vacuum instantly deactivates the high voltage grid when the nozzle is removed for emptying. The convenient and stylish base keeps your Bug Vacuum fully charged and ready to use in an instant.