High hopes - shot down, I was really excited about using these... my mother in law had been telling me how awesome they were for a year or so and when I started to clean out some closets in my house, I figured they'd be a good option as opposed to spending lots of money on plastic storage bins. They work, don't get me wrong. My 6 year old and I had a blast sucking out the air and watching our huge pile turn into a third of it's original size. I was really pleased! That afternoon, I moved one of the bags to my wicker chair for a moment, the bag barely touched the wicker chair and ripped! Air immediately filled the bag and was back to it's original size. My husband attempted to fix it with duct tape and while it did work, I am hesitant in moving the other bags and am concerned that others will rip and we'll be spending lots of time repairing and resealing.
If the bags were a better plastic (like what they use for comfortors) they'd be great, otherwise, I won't be buying them again...
could be better, I bought this set of four - medium, large, extra-large because I live in a small apartment and needed to get my linen closet under control. I just tried them for the first time and I was happy and disappointed at the same time. I put a queen comforter in the extra-large and two pillows in the large. I was happy to see it went down to about half the size it was. But however, it was a difficult to get the items into the bag - I felt like was going to rip the opening and had to be careful. I also could not get the pillow or comforter in a neat fashion. Also the extra-large just wasn't big enough for that queen comforter. Though it did fit inside, the zipper (just like a ziplock bag) popped open and it started inflating. Even the one that is half full I think I have to be careful for it to not come open. I expect they will if I bend or bump. It would be much better if the bag had and actual zipper type close instead of a ziplock. Also the medium I have to set aside for travel as it is just too small would not be useful for much. I would suggest getting a bigger size than you think you will need.
a plastic bag and that's it-, I bought them to store blankets in the closet and every month requires re-vacumning the air. They leak air- period the end.
Works Great!, I am making an international move, so space saving is a high priority. These bags helped me out a lot! I was able to pack 2 large pillows, 1 comforter, 2 sheet sets, and 6 sweaters in an 18 gallon rubbermaid container! Without the space saver bags, only the pillows fit in the container.
1) They don't lay flat, so be prepared for that.
2) The bags were a little smaller than I thought they would be.
Work for me, I purchased several packs of the large bags from Wal-Mart a few years ago to store all of my yarn. I haven't had any issues with the bags splitting or air getting in. Great space saver for my small apartment.
Love it, I ordered the space bags and they are great and easy to use. They store all of my blankets and comforters easily under the guest bed.
Problems with these, I have used the original (flat) space bags for years. I have had no problem with them losing air. In fact, I have clothing/bedding stored in them and placed in my closet for several years with no problems.
However, I have had no such luck with these cubed bags. As one reviewer said, the jumbo ones are a waste. I am very strong. But these when packed and vacuum sealed are extremely heavy. I packed and stored it on a shelf in my garage. The next day the air had escaped, and the bag had fallen on the floor. Thank goodness no one was hit by this heavy bag.
I am having the same issue with the smaller cubed bags. I am now vacuum sealing them and keeping them in a room prior to moving them to their selected places. However, when I've returned a few hours after vacuum sealing them, they have lost the air.
So, I am giving up on these. I do not want these falling off a shelf and hurting someone. I have avoided picking them up by any area near the zipper and they still lose air. So perhaps, as someone said, the seams are busted on these.
What a waste of money. I will stick with the original flat ones.
works as expected, As long as you keep the items below the fill line, it works as advertised. It's fun to jam a lot more into a box than you'd be able to.
Works, I bought these directly from Amazon in 2008. It cost $15, and came within a week with Free Super Saving Shipping (which is basically standard shipping).
It really works. Came with a variety - an extra large, large, and medium. There's a ziplock kind of seal at the top, and there's a hole in the middle of the bag that you use a vacuum hose to suck all the air out of, which deflats the bag. Works great, I guess. After all the air has been sucked out, the bag and clothes looks all shriveled up. The top of the bag, where the ziplock type seal is does rip easily though. That has happened to one of them, but the other two has held up just fine though.
MAJOR let down, I was quite satisfied after i initially filled the bags and sucked out the air..but within hours, air gets back inside the bags and you must re-vacuum them. This is the whole point of the product- keeping the air OUT so they stay compacted..Even after resealing and vacuuming multiple times, the air always gets back in- there is no permanent seal.

Airtight and watertight seal protects against dirt, moisture, bugs, and odors.Sure-Zip slider closure system; remove air using vacuum cleaner.Measures 18 by 22-1/2 inches, 21-1/2 by 33-1/2 inches, and 26-1/2 by 39-1/2 inches.Medium, large, and extra-large vacuum-seal bag for space-saving storage.Creates 3 times more storage space; reusable year after year. Airtight, watertight, and reusable for use year after year, ITW's set of three Space Bag vacuum-seal bags triple clothing and linen storage space while offering easy-to-use, reliable protection against dirt, moisture, and pests. To use, simply add the items to be stored and close the bag using the Sure-Zip slider closure system. Remove excess air with any standard vacuum cleaner hose and close the valve cover. Handy markings on the bags prevent overfilling and offer space to list the interior contents. Made of layers of polyethylene and nylon, the transparent bags are tough and durable. This set includes three bags: the medium size measures 18 by 22-1/2 inches, the large size measures 21-1/2 by 33-1/2 inches, and the extra-large size measures 26-1/2 by 39-1/2 inches.